In lieu of a Christmas letter/card, I will sum up our year here on my blog, where it costs nothing monetary and I can do so from my pajamas at any convenient time- like now. :)
In August Elias turned 1!! Little darling's not a baby anymore. Well, he'll always be my baby. :} We threw a small bash complete with a cupcake. He loves his cake!
We started off last year living in Sammamish with Chris working at Formost Fuji by day and appartment maintenence dude by night (?) or whenever he got around to it. Heh. He was looking for another job and had an offer in N. Carolina- whew! That would have been different. In February, Chris was offered a preferable job locally so he started with Loud Tech.
The boys and I kept busy with the usual: playtimes, cleaning, errands. I also watched a couple of little Andersons part time which gave Rowan some friends to hang out with and learn the ropes with sharing, playing kindly, not hitting, and all the other things that make life sooooo hard. :P It was good for him, though.
In June we found out we're having our third baby and experienced differing reactions from various family members. =} Let's just say we might not announce #4 if people don't care to be excited for us.
It was a year of weddings: Matt and Marie Bergman, Eloi and Kimber Garcia, Joel and Kristen Meyers were a few we were thrilled to attend and participate in. Yay for friends getting married! I love weddings.

This summer we went to the horse races as a family and the boys LOVED it! Who knew? Every time the horses thundered by they were in awe. Rowan would scream and say "again, again!!" It was super fun to experience through their eyes. We had front row seats, too.
We participated in a Community Supported Agriculture again this summer at Jubilee Farm and enjoyed fresh seasonal produce from June-Oct. The boys love going to the farm, seeing the pigs, picking their own strawberries, and riding in the hay wagon for Farm School. Even Elias was an experienced strawberry picker by the end of the season. I would set him on the ground and he would crawl through the bushes picking the red berries and eating them with fistfuls of dirt. mmmmm. =D
Rowan turned 3 in Dec and we had the craziest and most fun party to date. The kids all crowded around while he opened his mountain of presents and were just as excited as he was. HAHA! It was great.
November brought a lay-off for Chris- just in time for the holidays. That was less than helpful but turned into a blessing in disguise as we got to spend alot of time together and exercise our creativity for homemade Christmas gifts. We didn't do too bad, if I say so myself. I post a picture below of some of my crocheted goodies...just to brag a bit. ;)

Thankfully, we haven't had to be work-less for too long. Chris started a new job at Micron Vinyl this month. Yay! Gotta love a paycheck. :)
I have continued couponing and do love a great deal. This has really come in handy, not only when not spending has become necessary, but also because it's a great hobby- doesn't cost me anything!
Turns out, I hate blogger because it adds spaces where I put none and doesn't have an easy way to upload pictures in the appropriate places. >={ Anyway, the pics at the top of this page are from our "camp out" in the Keevy's backyard. It was just a day trip because although our other attempts to camp this year did not go as planned, we couldn't just do nothing- hence, the day trip. It was fun, though and we had a camp fire, which is as much as I can hope for from a camping trip. :)
Looking forward to an epic 2012!
I enjoyed reading your letter! And I am so glad that we got to be involved a lot with you all this year. :) You are right, 2012 is going to be EPIC!!!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I've worked with blogger for about 5 years now. And yes, sometimes the spaces are a pain. It's easier if you don't try to move your stuff around once you've placed it. As far as the pictures, I use Picasa from Google for my pictures on my computer and it's really compatible with Blogger. On the bottom of my pictures with the Picasa program I can select a few pictures and then click on "blog this" and it will automatically start a post. Pretty sweet. Picasa is a free download.
Sorry you are at home with a sick kiddo today, no fun! :(
Oh, and P.S. I will ALWAYS be happy to see another and another and another Hardy child coming into this world! Just sayin'....don't stop just yet. :)