Dive into my mind for tidbits from cooking to raising kids to politics to herbal remedies. My rants, raves, ideas and opinions displayed for the open-minded explorer.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Got Hemorrhoids?

What an odd title for a blog post, huh? heh heh. Well, just wanted to pass along some useful info about how to heal them. This was told to me by a friend of mine, and I have not tried it. So, take this with a grain of salt. Apparently, it works.

Make an infusion (strong tea) with witch hazel, which is a root, not the liquid you can buy at Walmart. I don't know where you might find the root, maybe the health food store? After you have your infusion, set your bum in it for a couple hours. I guess, just take a bath with a book or something. Voila! Hemorrhoids, be gone!

If anyone tries this with success, I would like to know! Happy steeping!