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Monday, July 19, 2010

Kid's Shoes Cheap

It is my opinion that to pay full price for kids shoes is outrageous (!) and a waste of money. Of course, some people have so much money that they would either start a bonfire with it or buy things for too much. To each their own, I guess. I have never been that rich and I love a great deal! And I have a husband who also loves a great deal-we're perfect for eachother. :) We buy all of Rowan's shoes second hand for pennies on the dollar what we would pay for them new.

Now, don't get me wrong, I like nice things. We find NEW and almost new shoes for Rowan all the time! I'm not gonna take my child to a wedding wearing extremely scuffed or otherwised damaged shoes, for example, and it is such a thrill to find those brand new black dress shoes for $4. Not even kidding.

Recently, just before heading out of town for a friend's wedding, we stopped by PayLess and Value Village to buy a pair of black dress shoes for Ro. The stores were next door to eachother and I figured I could price check and see who carried the shoes for the best deal. Of course, VV's inventory is always changing so I went in to PL first. I found the shoes for $22 *gulp*. He's gonna grow out of them within 6 months and probably only wear them a handful of times (3 weddings this summer and maybe we'd get dressed up for church just to get some use out of them)! So, I went next door...can I find them for cheaper??? YES! VV had some NEW with tags for $4! Halleluia! (I said I love a great deal)

And that is just one story. Currently Rowan has several really cute, barely worn, brand name shoes in his possession:
Tevas: $.99 (OK, these ones are pretty worn but he's gonna wear them outside in the dirt all summer anyway and Chris really couldn't pass up the deal)
Sprockets black dress shoes: $5
StrideRites: $4

The only new shoes Rowan gets (at least for now while he is growing so fast) are from Pappy and Grandma. :)

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