Dive into my mind for tidbits from cooking to raising kids to politics to herbal remedies. My rants, raves, ideas and opinions displayed for the open-minded explorer.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Pregnancy Questions >={

I was at a gathering today and some girl who I had never met walked up to me and, without even so much as introducing herself, began asking me all of the usual questions about my pregnancy: When are you due? (none of your business) What are you having? (a baby, you idiot) Do you have names picked out? (and if I don't care to share...?) Is this your first? (are you really interested?)

Does this bother anyone but me?! I mean, come ON! This gal offered me nothing about herself to even give an indication of why she could possibly want to know any of these rather personal things about my body and baby. She didn't appear to be pregnant, although I didn't ask because it's none of my business(!), so I couldn't figure it out.

Do people think I want to talk about my pregnancy? Because, I certainly couldn't have heard any of these queries before so they just must help me out. I hear all of these questions enough from my friends, who, apparently, cannot remember the answer when I've already told them a THOUSAND TIMES when I'm due. I really do NOT need my business pried into by a stranger.

But here's a question: How do I get out of it?!?!? I am DESPERATE, people. I am at my wit's end with these insufferable questions, trying to be polite and answer the saaaaame question over and over and over with a smile. Really? Can't I just say, "what's it to ya?" and walk away? Or how 'bout "when are YOU due?" to the woman who couldn't possibly be pregnant? Or even, "do you have kids? How many? What are their names? Ages? Heights? Weights? Haircolor?" Does it seem ridiculous to anyone else that these questions would sound nosy and inappropriate but not "what is the date you are scheduled to push a baby through your vagina?" from A COMPLETE STRANGER?


I can't take it any more.

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