Dive into my mind for tidbits from cooking to raising kids to politics to herbal remedies. My rants, raves, ideas and opinions displayed for the open-minded explorer.

Friday, November 5, 2010

the RSVP

Am I the only person in the whole frickin' world who is irritated by people who don't RSVP to an event?? No, I know at least one other person. But I should probably keep my friends annonimous on a public blog post- so, Mark Griswold, if you're reading this, feel free to give a shout out.

Is it really so much to say "hey, wanna come to this rad party?" to one's friends/family/co-workers and expect a reply??

You would think that maybe I should add a reply by date to my invitation. I've tried that, too, and people still ignore it, calling me the day before to say, "hey, I'm coming!" (uh, thanks for letting me know) or "can't make it." (yeah, I figured)

I've even tried uninviting people if they refuse to RSVP in a timely manner: "yeah, sorry, please don't come as I requested an RSPV A WEEK AGO (!!) and you didn't bother to dignify me with a response." But, I realize this is rude. Should I repay rudeness with rudeness? What choice do I have? Perhaps people who have never thrown a party don't understand that one does not shop, cook, and decorate the day of the party (reasonable, I suppose...). Should I discontinue inviting my friends who don't RSVP? Well, there would be few invitations sent out...and for that matter, I would begin to have few friends. And that is not a sacrifice I am willing to make.

Shall I simply plead for an RSVP? I'm begging.

There has been a small, I repeat small, handful of times when I have failed to RSVP. If I have done this to you, I sincerely appologize. There may be nothing more frustrating.


  1. I think many people are unsure. I try to wait until I know FOR SURE if I can or cannot come because I think MAYBE is just as rude. This is just my crazy reasoning. I am oftem guilty of not RSVPing (no stone throwing Please)but feel I am often given a 'pity' invite to things from friend who live 3 hours away. They invite me so I am included, but know I can't come. Make sense. Anyways, I will always RSVP for your shindigs Chelsie from now on.

  2. Nothing like a good Chelsie rant. And I do agree. And I really hope that I DID RSVP to your latest invite like I think I did. But did I just think about doing it or did I actually do it?

  3. I couldn't agree more! Sing it sister! :)

  4. Here, here! I've often thought about not inviting people who don't RSVP but am faced with the same problem, who would be left? I guess it'll be just a party of four (you, Chris, Rosie and me :)

    (And of course there are the worst kind of people, those who don't RSVP because they're waiting for something better to come along).

    See you two in a couple months. Don't bother inviting us to anything until then :)
