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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Garlic on Trial

Garlic...nature's miracle cure for all things bacterial. This goes for colds, ear infections, yeast infections, and countless other illnesses for which we're hopping down to the clinic for some anti-biotics. Don't believe me? Try it!

Colds: Next time you get a cold, start popping garlic- fresh, peeled, whole cloves, or fresh minced on toast or added to pasta- whatever your flavor, just get it in somehow. Your cold won't last too long.

Ear Infections: For ear infections, which most children seem to suffer from often, make your own garlic-infused oil and put a couple of drops in each ear several times a day. Chances are, your baby won't even complain of any pain from the infection and it will heal without a trip to the doctor. Even if you only suspect an ear infection, add the oil. It's perfectly safe, has no side effects (unless your child is allergic to garlic, which I suppose is rare), and can't be overdosed. I make my Garlic Oil in a glass ramekin and store it that way, too, since I only make it when I need it.

How to make Garlic Oil: peel 3 garlic cloves and smash with flat side of knife. Add to 1/2c oil (any kind will do. The oil is only a medium to carry the garlic) in glass bowl or sauce pan. Microwave for 1 min in bowl or simmer over med/low for 5 min in pan. Let oil cool completely. Pick/strain out garlic pieces and discard. Store oil in glass jar. Use oil in ears by the drop when needed. Oil lasts about a week. After that it looses potency.

Now, here's the thing...I'm a baby. I don't take my own advice enough. I would often rather suffer with a cold than stink like garlic- and I LIKE garlic. I don't get myself. Maybe I need you all to try this out and say how much it works for you and all that for me to believe it's worth it. *sigh* But, since I did just give this advice yesterday, and since I do currently have a cold, I've started taking it-by the half-clove swallowed alone. ick. I really wish I could take it intraveneously. boo. I'll post an update about how the cold's going (or not going) in a day or so.

God was really thinking when he made a stinky little plant that we like to cook with, caused it to grow like a weed, and enabled it with over 30 anti-bacterial properties!


  1. Mine and Michael's favorite way to eat raw garlic is to thinly slice it and pair it with Havarti cheese. Yum! It's usually a camping staple. I too don't enjoy smelling like a garlic clove (and it might be odd for Benny to smell like one), but I also don't like to give my boys medication unless I absolutely have to. Definitely worth a shot. Thanks for the tips!

  2. Garlic update: so, after one day of taking garlic (raw, swallowed whole-one clove per day)I had more energy. Now my snot and toots smell like garlic. I think it's really working into my system. lol!

  3. Garlic update: after 3 days of garlic injestion, the cold was gone.
